Today was day 17 of local skiing, but it might have been the worst day, conditions-wise, due to yesterday's warmer temperatures which transformed and re-froze the trail, leaving it icy in many spots (and thin in others). If you are an experienced skier (or an East Coast skier), it wouldn't have been too bad, but definitely not ideal conditions for newer skiers.
As the above map depicts, this winter most of the snow has headed North of us (and the North is above-average for precipitation to date), while the Palmer Divide and Monument (and further South) are below average. This is clearly evident based on our limited snow on other golf-course and our ski trails.
Hopefully I can post an early morning update showing fresh snow overnight, which would improve the trails greatly after we groom it in. Otherwise, Sunday's condition will be similar to today--not great (but no long drive required). Think snow!