The snow is deep enough that it took 4 separate passes of the Green Loop and Blue-Black Trail with just the snowmobiles, and then another 4 passes with the snowmobiles pulling the rollers to start to pack down the ski trail without repeatedly getting stuck. But it is still snowing, so we'll likely have to do this again tonight, and again tomorrow morning before we can lay the final courderoy and set classic tracks (after the snow has finally stopped, which might not be until mid-morning Friday). Still planning to have the above two trails open ~11am Friday (the snow is too deep to spend any time on the other three if we want to ensure we have something fully groomed), and it should be great for classic skiing, but likely soft for skate skiing until maybe Saturday. Hopefully the local plows will keep up with the roads as I was driving through 2-3 foot drifts to get to and from the Nordic Center!
We've also opened up the online rental reservations for Saturday and Sunday morning now that we know we'll have enough volunteers to help both groom the trails and staff the rental shop. Walk-ins will also be available after 9am this weekend, but best to reserve online to ensure we can accomadate you. We should be able to ski local through at least Monday or Tuesday morning.