Although conditions are still early season and 'grassy' in spots, the green and green-blue trails skied very nice today. We will regroom both in the morning, and the best skiing will be before it warms up too much above freezing.
The Blue-black loop is very close to opening, but has a couple of thin spots close to the road crossing that needs a bit more snow coverage. We are continueing to move 'cart-path ski protectors' (carpet remnants) and snow on the blue and black loops (picture), and hope to open them after the next big storm, as the snow on the fairways on these loops have decent coverage. These last 3 trails are still posted as CLOSED (although I talked to nearly a dozen folks skiing them today who were either new to the trails, or lost/didn't see the closed signs due to all the thick fog). These trails have been groomed, but have numerous thin, gravel or asphalt up and downhills where a skier could get seriously hurt. Once we've taken care of the dangerous cart path sections and gotten more snow, we'll open these trails as well. I'd hate to see someone's ski season end due to a stupid fall!

Unfortunately our long term forecast is predicting some more warm weather starting this Saturday, so tomorrow (possibly Saturday morning?) will likely be the last day to ski until we get another decent snowstorm, currently predicted a couple days before Christmas. Much of the snow on the fairways should hold up ok, but several spots will probably melt back to grass, preventing us from re-grooming trails without the snowmobile damaging the golf course underneath.
Tomorrow will be our 4th day of local skiing and it's barely mid-December--Hopefully we are in for a better than average local ski season this winter. Think snow!